That Morning
3 min readAug 11, 2021
- I used to get dreams for 2 months,
and every day I used to wake up around 4 am, struck by reality. - Dreams about her, her saying No, her saying go away, her saying all the things I don’t want to hear.
- Today’s morning was different,
I felt empathetic for both of us - It’s difficult for her too,
it took me couple of months to understand this.
But, when I truly did, thats the point when I moved ON.
That thought, just clicked million nerves in my body - We will never stop loving each other, and that is the fact, we both know it.
It is the memory which is truly attached to our souls, and its a beautiful one. - When we tried to get back together as friends, I rushed things.
I lied, that I had moved ON.
Some day at some point,
I just want to sit with her and talk about this entire experience and,
I know for the fact that we are going to have a good laugh.
Such a day would just be perfect. - Moving ON doesn’t mean that, you do not want him/her back,
it means, if it does happen, then it should be a completely new chapter of your life.
You cannot be the same person again, because person who was part of it has moved ON right? - During a breakup, or in the process of moving ON,
we do all sorts of things to understand, why it was not right for me?
But once, we are past that stage, everything seems enchanting, its an entirely new perspective to your past
You feel a different kind of connection to that person, you do not have to be interacting everyday with him/her.
But, you cannot stop being grateful.
A very important disclaimer here, you absolutely must be grateful about other things in life too.
he/she with this relationship has taught you anything and everything beyond just love. - and that is important,
Trusting the process is important,
Realising that its natural is essential,
and Creating a plan for it is just absurd - I want to write about it, because I have a volatile memory
I want to hold on to this thought, because, yes I have learned it the hard way - Person, doing the breakup will always have a reason
But, person on the other side, may not have one.
He definitely should not try to find one then.
Because, I am sure, I didnt start loving with a reason
Its curcial, that you do not have a reason behind your love
because, when the reason dies, love dies with it. - When you snap out of it,
you just feel right,
you feel connected,
you feel disarmed, disarmed with all the baggage you were carrying of ruminating thoughts.
you feel positive (and happy, theres a difference), you feel loved, - you feel the noise around you again,
and this time it is just the noise,
you are not trying to find any meaning of it. you are not numb anymore.
You are just you (again).
acknowledging that it just a background, and contemplating on your own thoughts. - Embrace the change, enjoy the enlightenment and start loving her again.
- If you love someone, you are going to loose them
sometime, somehow, somewhere
Yes, quite possibly,
But we, love anyway, don’t we?